Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7th entry - ending

The ending of this book i thought was very good.  I liked how the suspense was finally drawn to a close and i thought that Vera was the killer.  This was then a huge suprise when i found out that Wargrave was actually the killer which greatly suprised me.  I however thought that the way he planned so intensely was amazing and that he had some incredible problem solving skills.  I greatly liked this book and thought that it was very good. 

6th entry and Dr Armstrong

I am now absolutley frightened, this house is just waiting to take another victim.  There are only 4 of us in the house including the "dead wargrave".  I am very excited to see if his plan of fake dying to find the real killer will work.  I am at this point sure that any of the others could be the killer and am taking all of the proper precautions to protect my best intrests.  I am now of to rendezous with wargrave, so i must be going.

5th entry - Dr Armstrong

I can't believe these people are dying and yet we have no murderer.  I personally have my suspisions but i am not yet sure so i wont go on pointing fingers, but yet others have no problem pointing fingers at me.  I know that the first deaths were commited by poison but yet i swear on all that is good that i didn't do it and that is all, i am just enraged.