Tuesday, February 22, 2011

4th entry - Dr Armstrong

At this point, i have to question the sanity of many of the guests on this island, although i know not of mental illnesses, i have a strong gut feeling that general McArthur has something wrong.  I think i may be losing it myself, i mean just after pondering whether or not this McArthur man is alright and now he is dead, and this one no accident indeed.  I am greatly concerned for my safety and sanity and must get off this crazy, homicidal island before i lose it.  I also find it greatly disturbing that a killer is amoungst us and the possibilities of who the killer could be are greatly wearing down, i am fearing that the killer is much closer then i could ever imagine. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3rd entry - Dr. Armstrong

I have just prounuced a man dead, what a shameful thing.  I come here for a vacation and Mr. Marston has already chocked on pottasium syanide in his whiskey and coke, now why would he commit suicide, i mean such a young man well it makes not one bit of sense.  I am amazed as to why he would have taken his own life.  The other people on this trip are also questioning the same things as i am and possibly asking themselves the same thing, was this truly a suicide or is something else going on here.  I haven't any clue yet but all we can do is wait and see how the next day goes.

2nd entry - Dr. Armstrong

I first had to deal with the death of one man and now this woman, what is this island coming to.  At first i had a strong belief in the fact that the death of these two were accidental but now looking at the surrounding circumstances, i am believing this was no accident.  The boat we are going to try to leave on hasn't come yet and shows no sign of coming anytime soon, coincidental, i think not.  It's a hard thing to imagine but as these two deaths have come among us, i am beginning to believe a killer is amongst us or lurking in the shadows somewhere waiting for another opportunity to strike.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1st entry - Dr. Armstrong

This island is quite peculiar, i have no idea who these people truly are and if they are who they claim to be.  On top of that, i have been accused of murder by a recording, huh, what kind of a bloody mess is this place. I have practically just got here and i am already dealing with false accusations and the surprise fainting of Mrs. Rogers.  I can already tell this is going to be a very long weekend.  I am seriously starting to doubt the reason as to why i agreed to this spontaneous invitation, I must be some kind of fool.